Coraz więcej agencji zrzeszonych w Stowarzyszeniu Agencji Zatrudnienia – największej tego typu branżowej organizacji w Polsce z otwartymi ramionami przyjęła by pracowników z Indii.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJJoined State Street Bank, a global leader in finance and banking, as campus recruitment/ graduate employer branding specialist, during intensive growth of a recently opened office in Gdańsk. The goal is to hire 1000+ talented people in two years in a city with one of the lowest unemployment rates. #Challengeaccepted! Additionally helping friends, employees, managers
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJIt seems that nowadays almost every business meeting starts or ends with the conclusion that we need to „get more agile”. Even outside the IT industry. I see it as a funny paradox that software development methodology is seen as a way to improve everything – even the most human related area of each business,